Support De Vakbloemist,
Support local floristry

We're for florists. Become a supporter and help us grow local floristry by showing florists your brand believes in them!

Show support for local florists

We're supporting the growth of the local floral industry. We believe a strong local florist industry is also in the interests of the whole chain including growers, suppliers and of course consumers.

We have:

  • More than 20 sites in more than a dozen local languages.
  • Strong national and international social media reach of 25'000+ florists.
  • 3,000 + florist profile pages in multiple languages and growing daily.
  • Expo events, promotions and various campaigns online and offline.

We're supporting the growth of the local floral industry. We believe a strong local florist industry is also in the interests of the whole chain including growers, suppliers and of course consumers.

Support us, support local floristry!

Associate your brand positively with a floral movement that florists follow and trust and help us deliver more services to florists.

  • Logo on our site footer in various markets.
  • Expo stand participation.
  • Co-branded promotions, meetups etc.

Contact us

Ask us for all possibilities, pricing and details.

Contact us

Site supporters

We're able to operate this site with the generous support of the following companies.

Our site network